Best Ab Workouts

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Top 5 Best Abs Workout to Get a Toned Body

The recipe to build abs is not complicated but tough. There are a variety of exercises that help in building abs. It requires the total engagement of your upper and body and also your core. Abs aren't built overnight; you have to be determined and patient to notice the change.  Following exercises will help in strengthening & tone your abdominal muscles.

Before you start working out make sure you do a 5-10 warmup, and a 5-minute cool down afterward.

1)   Crunches

After putting on your workout tank top, lie down, and bend your knees and feet flat on the ground, hip-width apart. Then put both of your hands on your thighs, or at the back of your ears. Once you have got your body in the position, slowly move up towards your knees till your shoulders are around 3 inches above the ground. Stay in the lifted position for 10 seconds & lower down.

Do 12 stomach crunches in each set. Gradually increase the number of sets as it gets easier.


Dumbbell crunch: Lay down on your back, and hold a dumbbell in both of your hands across your chest. Then raise your torso, and lower it, by inducing a constant tension in the upper abs.

Tuck and crunch: Lay down straight on the floor with both hands under your head & legs raised having your knees bent at an angle of 90°. Then raise your torso slowly & curl your knees towards the chest. Start every rep smoothly without any jerks. Make sure your feet do not touch the ground between reps.

Oblique Crunch: Lay down and bend your knees & feet flat on the ground, hip-width apart. And roll both of your knees to the side. Then curl up towards your hips till your shoulders are about 3 inches off the floor. Stay in the position for a few seconds. Do 12 oblique crunches & repeat for the opposite side.

      2) Planks

Lay down with your front popped up, resting on your forearms & toes. Then put your legs straight & hips raised and align your body in a straight & rigid line from head to toe. Make sure your shoulders are directly above your elbows. Keep your abdominal muscle contracted during this exercise and do not sink your back. Hold your position for 5-10 seconds & repeat 8 -10 times.  Your face should be towards the ground while you work out.


Side Plank: Lay down with your front popped up, resting on your forearms & toes. Make sure your shoulders are directly above your elbows and your whole body is aligned in a straight line. Hold your neck straight & your shoulders down, keeping them away from your ears. Also, keep your hips forward while doing this exercise. Hold your position for 5-10 seconds & repeat 8 -10 times.

3) Dead bug

After putting on your workout shorts, lay down on the floor by keeping your face towards the ceiling and arm straight above the shoulders. For starting, place your knees over your hips & bend the knee for your calf to form a 90-degree angle with thighs. Then slowly lower your left arm from above and also straighten your right leg & move it towards the ground. Hold your position for a second and return to the initiating point. Then repeat the same workout on the opposite side.

4) Hollow extension-to-cannonball

Start this exercise by getting into a cannonball kind of shape at your back, By crawling your knees in your chest. Then slowly straighten your legs & arms outwards away from your body, in a hollow like position, while pressing your back on the ground. Hold the position for at least 5 seconds before repeating it. Complete 5 reps in one set.

5) Dumbbell side bend

Start this exercise by standing on your feet, hip-width apart, and holding a dumbbell in your right hand. While your palm turns inwards towards your torso. Stretch your back straight, and engage your core, then bend to a side as far as your body allows with your waist only. Hold the position for a single second and return to the position you started from. Do around 12 -20 reps for one set.

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